Quote lovers, here are some of the best success quotes
that you will truly love.
that you will truly love.
"To succeed means that you
may have to
step out of
line and march
to the sound of your own
Keith DeGreen
"The easiest
thing to
find on God's
green earth
is someone to
you all the
things you cannot do;"
Richard M. DeVos
"You may
live in an
world but
the frontiers are
not all closed
and the
doors are not all shut."
Dr. Maxwell Maltz
"How is it
that many individuals, who possess
limited capabilities, manage to attract great
for extraordinary results?"
Kenneth Hildebrand
"Many of us spend our lives searching
for success
when it is usually so
that we can reach out and touch it."
Russell H. Conwell
source: University of success by Og Mandino
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